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Brittany Dagenais Registered Psychotherapist

Brittany Dagenais
Registered Psychotherapist


Registered Psychotherapist #10213

Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, 2022

   About Me

When I was first starting out as a therapist I read the book Sometimes Therapy is Awkward and it was such an “oh shit, it’s not just me” moment. I have been described countless times over my life as someone who is awkward - benignly out of step with social norms, lacking a sense of social ease - so perhaps it makes perfect sense that I would find myself in a career where awkwardness is the norm, not the exception. 


As I have learned to embrace the awkward and uncomfortable parts of therapy, I have grown to absolutely love the work I do; I love being a part of genuine and honest experiences with clients. I love being able to be both analytical and highly emotional at the same time. I love all of the quirks and strengths and stories that clients bring into the room with them, and even though it’s incredibly heavy to witness these at times, I love that I get to be the person that is trusted to do this work with them.


Having moved through life with my own experiences of trauma and a sense of otherness from being neurodivergent, I’m particularly attuned to people’s feelings of having to hide or reject parts of the self in an effort to find belonging. I am often described as warm, curious, and observant, and I have a knack for seeing the things that are going on under the surface. My work with clients tends to be deep, thought-provoking, and emotional, and I bring a patience and warmth to sitting with clients through the darker, more difficult parts of therapy. 

   About Me




Together we explore accepting, expressing, regulating, making sense of, and transforming emotion. This approach can be particularly powerful for longstanding feelings of shame and negative beliefs about self, or situations where your thoughts and feelings feel at odds with each other. 


The therapy experience is exploratory and reflective, where the process of therapy is more important than the content or techniques. The therapist works to stay curious, show up with authenticity, respect complexity, observe what's going on in the room, value subjectivity and affect, and build a healthy therapeutic relationship. Interventions are drawn from other modalities based on what the client wants and needs out of therapy.


This approach provides a lens for understanding how adverse childhood events and environments can create negative beliefs about self and others as well as unhelpful patterns of coping that are resistant to change. Understanding ourselves and behaviours in this way can allow for transformative acceptance, self-compassion, and change.


A strong emphasis is placed on creating safety and stabilization in both the therapy relationship and the client’s life before exploring past traumas. Careful consideration is given to the client’s readiness to explore and process their traumatic experience so that the client feels a sense of safety and agency. 

I'm often described as...

Warm, Attentive, Curious, Observant, Expressive, Insightful, Intense, Non-Judgmental, Pragmatic, and Authentic 

My favourite books to recommend

Adult Children of Emotionally-Immature Parents, by Lindsay Gibson


Divergent Mind, by Jenara Nerenberg.


Healing the Shame that Binds You by John Bradshaw 

When I'm Not Therapist-ing...

I like to garden, walk my dog, cook, bake bread, read (fantasy & murder mysteries especially!), puzzle, and play video games. 

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